Text to Speech Converter with JavaScript


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Project Title: Starry Text-to-Speech Converter

Project Link: Text_To_Speech
Project Code: Code_Link


The Starry Text-to-Speech Converter is an interactive web application designed to convert text input into speech while providing a visually captivating experience with a dynamic starry background. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this project combines the power of text-to-speech functionality with an aesthetically pleasing user interface.


  1. Text-to-Speech Conversion: Users can input text into the provided text box, and with the click of a button, the application converts the text into speech. This feature enhances accessibility and provides an alternative way for users to consume textual content.
  2. Starry Background: The application features a mesmerizing starry background created using HTML and CSS. The background dynamically changes, creating an immersive visual experience for users while they interact with the text-to-speech functionality.
  3. Responsive Design: The project is designed to be responsive, ensuring compatibility across various devices and screen sizes. Whether accessed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, users can enjoy seamless functionality and visual appeal.
  4. Customization Options: Users have the option to customize certain aspects of the application, such as adjusting the speed and pitch of the generated speech. These customization options enhance user experience by allowing individuals to tailor the output to their preferences.

Technologies Used:

  • HTML: Used for structuring the web page and content.
  • CSS: Employed for styling elements, including the starry background.
  • JavaScript: Implemented for text-to-speech functionality and user interactions.
  • Text-to-Speech API: Utilized to convert text input into speech output.

Project Demo Image:

project demo image

Future Enhancements:

  1. Additional Visual Effects: Incorporating additional visual effects such as animations or transitions to further enhance the user experience.
  2. Language Support: Expanding language support to accommodate users who prefer speech output in languages other than English.
  3. Improved Accessibility Features: Implementing features to enhance accessibility, such as keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility.


The Starry Text-to-Speech Converter project combines functionality and aesthetics to create an engaging user experience. By leveraging text-to-speech technology and visually appealing design elements, the application offers users an innovative way to interact with textual content while enjoying a captivating visual backdrop.